January 2025 is bringing plenty of exciting titles new on Paramount Plus, proving that the streamer has no shortage of great movies. While it might not make our list of the best streaming services, it’s certainly not because of a lack of quality content.
After browsing through the latest releases on Paramount Plus, I found seven movies that earned a 90% or higher rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. Of course, these ratings don’t always prove a movie is excellent, but they at least show that the majority of professional critics enjoyed it.
I’ve picked out the seven most critically acclaimed movies that have arrived on Paramount Plus this month. Included in the list are one of David Fincher’s best crime thrillers, a standout sci-fi flick starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner, and an unflinching Western drama. So, without further ado, here are the seven top
Keep reading this article on Tom's Guide.