In Netflix’s new animated series Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld, the titular protagonist uses the powers she’s hidden for most of her life to battle demons out of Chinese mythology. But Jentry (Ali Wong) isn’t fighting off these monsters in a big city like New York; all the supernatural hijinks take place in a Texas suburb.
The Texas setting combined with the Chinese folklore really adds a unique layer to Jentry Chau. It’s a funky combo that lets showrunner Echo Wu dig into the specificities of both elements. The show’s third episode, for instance, ends with the Chinese god of death ferrying away the souls of fallen Texan soldiers who are taking the whole “Remember the Alamo” thing a bit too seriously.
In a junket ahead of the show’s release, Wu told Polygon that she drew from her own childhood as inspiration for the show’s setting.
”It’s like a love letter
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