The action-comedy franchise that defined buddy cop movies in the late ’90s and early 2000s is experiencing a surprise renaissance, as all three Rush Hour films simultaneously dominate Netflix’s Top 10 list following their Jan. 1 addition to the streaming platform. The original 1998 Rush Hour currently leads the trilogy at #4 on Netflix‘s U.S. chart, with Rush Hour 2 and Rush Hour 3 holding the #7 and #9 spots, respectively. The series, which pairs Jackie Chan‘s skilled martial artist Chief Inspector Lee with Chris Tucker‘s fast-talking LAPD detective James Carter, has captured a new generation of viewers with its blend of action and comedy.
The franchise’s initial entry, which follows the duo’s efforts to rescue a Chinese diplomat’s kidnapped daughter, proved to be a massive success upon release. The film grossed $244 million worldwide and earned positive reviews, paving the way for two sequels that would achieve even greater
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