To Catch a Killer, now on Netflix, is a great thriller lost in the details

It doesn’t take much to make a great thriller, particularly when a serial killer is involved. A little bit of clever framing, whether it’s the seven deadly sins or the FBI using the expertise of one killer to catch another, is all you really need to cook up something great. In the best examples, even the smallest details wrap back around to the central story, and every character beat has some larger significance to or ramification for the case at hand. Unfortunately, this is also exactly where 2023’s fun but ultimately lacking FBI thriller To Catch a Killer, which just got added to Netflix, goes wrong.

The film follows a young cop named Eleanor (Shailene Woodley) who gets pulled onto an FBI team to investigate the mysterious case of a phantom sniper who kills dozens of random partygoers in Baltimore, then seemingly disappears. All of this is handled excellently. Eleanor


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