Hulu’s ‘Rust’ Doc Exposes How Hollywood Relies on Underpaid, Inexperienced Labor—Then Throws Them To the Wolves

Early on in Hulu’s new documentary, Last Take: Rust and the Story of Halyna, Rust cast member Frances Fisher describes her first impression of armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who last year was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

“This girl comes over an interrupts our conversation, and she’s got an armful of guns,” Fisher tells the camera. “Just barreled her way in. I thought, ‘It’s very unsafe to be walking around base camp with a bunch of guns in your hand.’”

This is accompanied by footage of a then 24-year-old Gutierrez on set. With her shaggy, dyed, bright purple-and-yellow hair, she’s easy to pick out.

Then Rust first assistant director Dave Halls tells the camera that he “knew that she had little experience” when he hired Gutierrez. “But my concern over lack of experience was tempered by knowing that her father was Thell Reed.”

Thell Reed,


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