Watch the weirdest thriller in years before it leaves Hulu

Recent history hasn’t produced many movies stranger or more specific than director Peter Strickland’s delightfully odd Flux Gourmet, released in 2022. It’s somewhere between a talky drama about the periphery of the art world, a thriller about creative rivalry, and a messy social horror movie about desperately needing to fart in socially unacceptable situations. This unlikely genre mashup alone would make Flux Gourmet worth a watch before it leaves Hulu on March 14. But what really makes the movie sing is how seamlessly all of these elements somehow work together to create something bizarrely hilarious.

A writer named Stones works at an art institution that provides residencies for culinary collective artists — artists who use food and cooking to create transgressive performance art. Stones’ job is to cover the artists in residency there and document the ways they and their art evolve. This provides the movie with the perfect excuse


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