Netflix‘s new thriller Zero Day imagines the horror that would unfurl after a single cyberattack dismantled all of the computers in America at the same time. Hospitals are shut down, cars collide into each other, […]
Meghan OKeefe
The new Netflix show Apple Cider Vinegar dramatizes the shocking true story of Belle Gibson (Kaitlyn Dever), an Australian single mum who scammed the world into believing she survived brain cancer thanks only to a […]
Rebecca Yarros’s Fourth Wing book series, aka The Empyrean, is one of the hottest romantacy sagas taking over the world right now. With the recent release of Onyx Storm, the long-awaited third installment in the […]
Netflix‘s new show American Primeval has no problem showing the true brutality of life in the Old West. The very first episode of American Primeval crescendoes with the horrific events of the Mountain Meadows massacre, […]
Netflix‘s new western show American Primeval is the latest series to drop modern day audiences into the bitter hellscape that was the frontier. Directed and executive produced by Peter Berg (Friday Night Lights, The Leftovers, […]
When Squid Game premiered on Netflix in September 2021, it offered the perfect catharsis for an audience recovering from the emotional trauma and economic strife of a global pandemic. Created by Korean auteur Hwang Dong-hyuk, […]
Netflix‘s new dark comedy No Good Deed starts off as a zany comedy about the cutthroat world of Los Angeles real estate, following various couples secretly dueling for the chance to purchase a beautiful 1920s […]