Darren Aronofsky Circling To Direct Netflix’s ‘Cujo’ Film Adaptation

Darren Aronofsky is circling to direct Netflix’s Cujo film, based on the novel by Stephen King.

Deadline first reported the news of the film adaptation , with Roy Lee (It, Salem’s Lot) attached to produce in the deal made last week.

The 1981 novel was originally adapted into a thriller film in 1983 starring Dee Wallace as a mother protecting her son from a 200-pound St. Bernard that turned rabid after being bit by a bat. The formerly friendly hound transformed into one of cold calculation that left a trail of bodies in its wake.

The climactic scene in that film took place when Wallace’s mother and her son face the difficult decision of battling heatstroke in a car that won’t start or confronting the big, rabid dog waiting for them outside the small vehicle.

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