‘Den of Thieves 2’ Hits Netflix: Get Ready For A Weirdly Cuddly Gerard Butler

The movie event of 2025 so far for a certain type of dude just landed on Netflix: Not long after the original film ruled the streaming services charts, Den of Thieves: Pantera has come home. That there’s any hype about the sequel’s Netflix debut underscores exactly what kind of a challenge it faces as the follow-up to a surprise hit and fan fave: The element of surprise is gone. Den of Thieves was the first of several Gerard Butler vehicles to elicit a reaction of “hey, this is better than I expected!”; it was a dumb cop movie that was also a bit smarter and more textured than it really needed to be. This means that Den of Thieves 2 has something to live up to.

In some ways, the sequel delivers: Writer-director Christian Gudegast doesn’t just rehash the original film. He kinda-sorta does a Fast & Furious thing, where


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