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Disney+’s Brand New 24/7 ‘The Simpsons’ Stream Brings Back The Easygoing, Lean Back Pleasures Of Cable TV Marathon-Viewing

When I was in college, I watched The Simpsons three times a day. My school was located at a nexus of affiliates, meaning that our free broadcast stations included two different local Fox stations, one from New York and another from Connecticut, and the two channels scheduled their syndicated Simpsons reruns at slightly different times. If my roommates and I were industrious – perhaps more industrious than I was in some of my actual classes – we could plan our trip to the dining hall to follow one 6PM Simpsons and get done in time for another 7:30PM airing. Then, of course, there also was an 11PM airing, far better than any weeknight party (or so I assumed). Sometimes the vagaries of scheduling meant that one night’s 11PM episode had just aired at 7:30PM on the other affiliate a week or two ago, but was that really a problem for


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