Greta Gerwig’s ‘Narnia’ Nabs Exclusive Imax Run In Major Deal Ahead of Netflix Premiere

Netflix has partnered with Imax for a global release of Greta Gerwig’s Narnia two weeks ahead of the film’s streaming debut.

Narnia, based on the Chronicles of Narnia book series by C.S. Lewis, is currently set for an Imax release on Thanksgiving Day 2026, before a debut on Netflix during the Christmas period that year. The landmark deal is a win for Imax, which partners with Netflix as it seeks another limited, promotional theatrical run for one of its movie titles.

With Narnia, the two week exclusive window for Imax was crucial to establishing a long enough run to satisfy theater circuits that operate Imax auditoriums. As part of the agreement, Netflix has a four-week window for the film before the Netflix debut, but the film technologies company for now is committed to playing Narnia exclusively for two weeks starting on Thanksgiving Day 2026.


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