Netflix Forces Commercials on Ad-Free Subscribers During Live NFL Broadcast, and We Hate It

Netflix’s way of handling commercials during its Christmas broadcast has us and many Netflix subscribers heated. The broadcast so far has been filled with loads of commercials for every viewer — even those who pay for Netflix to be ad-free.

While one might expect in-house promotional breaks for Netflix shows/movies, Netflix is forcing viewers to watch ads for Coca-Cola, pharmaceutical companies and other brands. We had assumed Netflix would opt to do what WWE did on its Peacock broadcasts; Peacock Premium subscribers get a mix of in-house promotions and in-depth packages instead of random commercials. Idle views of the field/sidelines/crowd would have also been preferred!

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Here are just a small sample of the complaints Netflix subscribers have been making via X.

“So you telling me I’m paying for Netflix to watch a Football game………and there are still commercials? You greedy bitches.” (source) “Watching


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