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Netflix Says Shooting ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ Series In Colombia Delivered A $52 Million Boost To The Country’s Economy

EXCLUSIVE: Filming the adaptation of One Hundred Years of Solitude in Colombia delivered a 225BN Peso ($51.8M) economic boost to the country, the streamer said.

Sharing the headline figure with Deadline, Netflix Lat-Am said it is a measure of the impact to Colombian GDP and includes both the impact of its direct spending on the production and of the spending in the downstream supply chain. The number excludes the budget for the series, which has never been broken out.

The adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s seminal novel is the biggest TV project ever out of Colombia. In securing the rights to the magical realist tome, Netflix agreed the mythical town of Macondo would be recreated in Colombia and built by Colombians.

The series has just launched and will drop in two eight-episode instalments. The drama was produced by Dynamo and filmed entirely in


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