Netflix dropped a new look at its upcoming animated series based on Devil May Cry on Thursday, revealing the opening credits for Adi Shankar and Studio Mir’s anime adaptation of the Capcom franchise. In a surprise, bold, and incredibly fitting choice, the Devil May Cry anime will open with Limp Bizkit’s “Rollin’,” the breakout single from the nu metal band’s 2000 album Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water.
The original Devil May Cry and Limp Bizkit’s third album were both products of the early 2000s — so while DMC purists might argue that the series’ original music should be featured, I simply cannot argue that “Rollin’” is anything but an inspired, era-appropriate choice.
In a post on social media, Shankar offered some insight into the show’s choice of music, noting that his DMC universe “is set in a late ’90s/early 2000s PS2 era of the world. It’s not set in
Keep reading this article on Polygon.