Over the weekend, a number of Roku device owners noticed an irksome new advertising method from the company: a trailer for Moana 2 began playing before they could even access the Roku homescreen. Ars Technica reported on the situation, which has been called out in a few different Reddit threads.
The reaction among customers, as you might imagine, is overwhelmingly negative. It’s worth remembering that Roku makes the bulk of its revenue from advertising — not bargain-bin priced streaming hardware. But just like Amazon before it, Roku is discovering that it’s easy to turn the ads dial too far.
“I’ll take the banner ads, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna put up with a video loading when loading up my Roku,” one Redditor wrote. “Just turned on my TV to see a video open on the homescreen and play some trailer? I hope this was a fluke,” another
Keep reading this article on The Verge.