‘Sicario’ on Netflix: Taylor Sheridan and Denis Villeneuve Thrillingly Teamed Up Long Before ‘Yellowstone’ and ‘Dune’

Nearly ten years after its theatrical debut, Sicario is having a moment in the Netflix Top 10. Normally most movies that could be described, however tangentially, as political thrillers risk a short shelf life. But with the drugs and the U.S.-Mexico border a regular political talking point every year since the 2016 presidential election that closely followed this movie’s release, the film remains uncomfortably current, despite its Obama-years genesis.

Ten years of distance also highlights the lucky break that Sicario turned out to be one those movies that feels like an all-star production in retrospect, and not just because stars Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Benicio del Toro remain cinema fixtures a decade later, or even because supporting players Daniel Kaluuya and Jon Bernthal have since gone on to greater fame. Director Denis Villeneuve made this movie before he became a geek fave with his Blade Runner sequel and Dune


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