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Watch one of the best killer shark thrillers ever before it leaves Netflix

When it comes to shark movies, there are tiers, not rankings. There’s Jaws, all on its own at the very top, then a few genuinely great thrillers like The Shallows hanging around, and a bottom tier of absolute trash that should really never see the sun. But in between those last two is the vaunted, excellent category of silly shark movies that still kick ass. And it’s at exactly that depth you’ll find the ludicrously fun 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, which leaves Netflix on Saturday.

While this movie is technically a sequel to 47 Meters Down, don’t sweat it. The only thing the two movies share is that they’re about people who end up on the wrong end of sharks.

Uncaged follows Mia, a teenage girl who’s being raised by her dad and stepmother. She has a somewhat tense relationship with her stepsister, Sasha, and Sasha’s friends. When the family


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