The second installment of The Curious Case of Natalia Grace was originally set to be the final chapter of this captivating story. But the conclusion of Part 2 ended on a cliffhanger, with Natalia’s new adoptive family telling production that “something ain’t right with Natalia” and that they’re “done” with her.
The third and presumably final chapter of this stranger-than-fiction story debuts Monday, January 6 on ID and Max. The four-part docuseries, aptly titled The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Final Chapter, will air over two nights as Natalia, per the press release, “faces new challenges and upheavals from a dramatic rescue mission to new allegations of abuse.”
The new episodes debut at 9:00 p.m. ET, but an hour-long recap, The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Road to the Final Chapter, airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET. Where exactly can you watch the third installment of this perplexing
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